DIY Pink Passion Block BouquetThe Flower Bouquet building kit makes a unique gift, creating a beautiful flower display model made entirely from high-quality pieces. The Blooming Flower display makes your room full of color and happiness. The potted plant set makes a special and unique gift for friends,...
- CHF 33.00
CHF 46.00 - CHF 33.00
- Stückpreis
- pro
DIY Flower Dome Music BoxThis flower dome set is a beautiful and creative way to display flowers that will last forever. The set features a unique block design, which allows you to build your own beautiful flower arrangement that will never wilt or die. The dome-shaped display case...
- CHF 35.00
CHF 46.00 - CHF 35.00
- Stückpreis
- pro
DIY Orchid Building Block FlowersNothing beats giving the gift of flowers; better yet, unlike real flowers, these will last forever and require no care at all. This set is so much fun to build and the person lucky enough to receive it will always be reminded of you...
- CHF 34.00
CHF 46.00 - CHF 34.00
- Stückpreis
- pro
DIY Sunflower Building BlocksThe Flower Bouquet building kit makes a unique gift, creating a beautiful flower display model made entirely from high-quality pieces. The Blooming Flower display makes your room full of color and happiness. The potted plant set makes a special and unique gift for friends,...
- CHF 9.00
CHF 23.00 - CHF 9.00
- Stückpreis
- pro